Understanding Scale Up of The Tablet Compaction -1
Source : Yenchen Technical Process Consultant, Dr. Fred Rowley
Operation The Controls on All Modern Tablet Presses:
1. Fill volume: weight
Die Volume = Tablet Weight = Content Uniformity
- The press does not weigh powder, it fills by volume.
- Particle size and density are the key factors for good weight control.
- Scrape off is critical.

2. Pre-compression thickness
Adjust Pre-Compression: Thickness and Upper Punch Entry Controls
- During tablet compression entrapped air has only two places to go:
- Out of the die.
- Into the tablet. - We have the pre compression and upper punch entry controls to minimize air entrapment.

3. Main or final thickness
Adjusting Pre-Compression Thickness
- Objective: drive the air out of the powder.
- Suggested setting: 1.5 to 3.0 times the final target for tablet thickness.
- Similar to 4 wheel drive: sometimes you need it, other times you do not.
- If not needed, back the control off all the way.

If you have any technical questions, please contact with Grace Chiang Email:grace.chiang@yenchen.com.tw
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